My freakum dress from Mansaya

by Sunday, November 17, 2013 3 comments
Hey dolls,

Hope you've been doing fabulous since my last post!!
This post is about MANSAYA, a fabulous designer I like so much. She's been designing clothes from african fabric for years now. She also designs bags, made from leather and african fabric.
A couple of weeks ago I was hairstyling for Mansaya's new collection launching, and couldn't resist the dress I had on yesterday for a christening I was invited to and I thought this dress was perfect for the occasion but you can also wear it on other occasions.
Here's the link to her website
Now let the pictures do the talking :)

A perfect outfit needs a smiley face right :)

had to wear my hair up so that the dress could express itself :)

no need of a bunch of accessories, the dress does all the job :)

sexy back loool my workout is paying off!!! shoes from Aldo

This coat is from Mansaya's last year collection, it keeps so warm I only wear a tank top underneath

Fashion Hood


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