Launching of Nosarts Mag

by Sunday, June 30, 2013 2 comments
Hey Guys,

Hope you had  a wonderful week and enjoyed the nice weather today!!!!
This post is about last Thursday. Actually it was the launching of the Magazine Nosarts and a few designers were selected to present their work in a showroom at the Mimi Club (24 rue de Tilsit 75017). It's a very nice place to have a drink with friends.
During this magazine launching, there was a fashion show orchestrated by Alvina K. from Naky prod and the  highlighted designers were: Ayawa Jewelz, Ayinkeshet, Miss Mahwa, Myriam Maxo and Stella Walters. Here are some pics...

Flyer for the event
my look for the occasion 

I had to do  very quick hairstyles on these lovely models

Live music was just so amazing

Ayawa Jewelz nekclace line collection

Ayinkeshet bag line collection
Miss Mahwa african prints line collection
Myriam Maxo and her Teddies

Stella Walters and her Plant jewelry line
 Hope you enjoyed the post :)
 Love Vv

Fashion Hood


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