60 days workout challenge

by Monday, September 02, 2013 0 comments
Hey dolls!! 

 The holidays are over and I really enjoyed them!! Eating at all times, not working out because I did not really feel like it. I tend to be lazy at times and I decided to rectify that starting today. I am starting a 60 days workout challenge. The principe is simple. It's not a diet, just re-introducing some basic elements in my everyday lifestyle 

 1-drink 2liters of water a day

2-At least 30 minutes workout a day: walk instead of taking the subway when you can, use the stairs and not the escalators...

3-Eat healthy food: fruits, vegetables... 

4-Sleep 8 hours a night

 These are the headlines but any idea is welcome and if you wanna join, I'll be more than happy to achieve this challenge with you guys.
Isa Bonita from Parisian taste is starting the challenge with me :)
I uploaded the application runtastic on my phone which I find very useful because it states the calories, workout time and distance.
Here is a a pic of the recap of my workout today and I must say I am quite satisfied with me.

Another 59 days to go
and smile of course!!

I hope you like the post.
Don't forget to suscribe and share

Love Vv

Fashion Hood


Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.


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