Weekday Wedding

by Saturday, August 31, 2013 4 comments

Hey dolls!!

Hope you've been enjoying yourself so far!
I spent the last two days in Courville-sur-eure, Center France.
I'm always excited when it comes to celebrating life and Love!
The bride- to-be contacted me in february so we could decide of the hairstyle that suited her and her personality the best. She is natural and didn't wish to relax her hair and she really insisted on her will to keep it natural.
We went through google to look for some ideas and came accross what would be HER WEDDING HAIRSTYLE.
A couple of days later, we met again for a trial, and I must say the look worked wonderfully on her.
She had different hairstyles as a weeding is something UNIQUE and the bride should be amazing in any situations as she is THE QUEEN of the day.
Actually on this wedding, the bride was a QUEEN for 2 whole days.
The festivities started on Thursday and ended of Friday.
I had to do the hair of the bride of course, her mom and her bridesmaid.
The bride rocked 3 different hairstyles.
Enough chatting, here are some shots.

This is the original picture of Mae from natural Chica, which inspired for the wedding hairstyle. You can find her on Fb or Instagram
lovely  old bergerie on countryside, nice weather, fresh air, the mood is set!!!
Let's get started :)
I designed this hair jewelry for this special occasion

Ready for the 1st part of the day :)
I made a different hairstyle for the night, she was wearing a ballerina-like dress

Nice updo for the fierce Mom <3

This is a one-of-a-kind bridesmaid, I styled her hair, lovely person inside and out

the bride had a another  hairstyle for the traditional outfit the day after
King and Queen of the day <3 <3<3
Time to relax and enjoy!! :)
Ended the day spending quality time with my cousin <3

Wishing the bride and the groom all the happiness in the world!!! 
 I hope you will enjoy this post and learn that natural hairstyle has a lot of possibilities!!
Don't forget to share and suscribe of course :)

Love Vv

Fashion Hood


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